Feb 28, 2011
Feb 27, 2011
Lite visdomsord
Phil Keoghan etter jordskjelvet som rammet Chch tirsdag
Feb 26, 2011
Native Kiwi Phil Keoghan om jordskjelvet
Spirits 'will not be crushed'
"So long as there is still a Cantabrian standing you can't take Christchurch away – the buildings may be gone but the spirit of the people remains."
Phil Keoghan, loyal son of Canterbury, was feeling the pain of Christchurch yesterday as he walked through its streets. But he also knows his hometown is not going to let this killer quake beat it.
He is in the city to film a personal reaction to the quake which will screen tomorrow on the prime time news bulletins of US network CBS, the channel which screens his hit show The Amazing Race.
The quake is raw and personal for Keoghan. He attended St Andrew's College and mum and dad John and Beth run a bed and breakfast in Rolleston. Last night they slept on the floor of their garage, not because of damage to their place but because they have given up their bed to other homeless Cantabrians.
Seeing the devastation first-hand brought disbelief.
"It's almost like it's not real. I was here eight months ago filming for Christchurch and Canterbury Tourism. You think these buildings which you know so well, which have stood for 100 years or more, will stand forever. And here they are lying in ruins.
"It's like something out of a movie, but it's real.
"We get so desensitised by disasters in movies, but when you see this well, it hits you.
"You realise everything we build on the earth is temporary and ultimately the most important part of a place is the people.
"You are never going to take the fight out of a Cantabrian – but people here are really scared. This is brutal."
He got inside the cordons in the CBD, ushered in by Christchurch and Canterbury Tourism because of the audience his name commands in the US market.
Alongside the CBS news piece, he is filming appeals which will screen throughout the US asking for donations to the New Zealand Red Cross.
But the vital thing is to get an accurate message to Americans, he says. The US thinks all of New Zealand is a flattened disaster zone.
"The worst thing that can happen is that people stop visiting. No matter what fundraising people do, it's a drop in the bucket compared to tourism."
Feb 25, 2011
Gold medals
Feb 22, 2011
New Zealand
Feb 18, 2011
The Amazing Race 18 - Unfinished Business

På søndag starter season 18 av The Amazing Race - Unfinished Business. Her blir det et gjensyn med teams fra tidligere sesonger som av ulike grunner ikke var første team over målstreken.
Host Phil Keoghan snakker om TAR 18 her:
Feb 15, 2011
"The Ride"

I dag har jeg sett "The Ride". Det er en av det beste documentarene jeg har sett. Filmen er en utrolig inspirasjon til å gjøre noe unikt og det å ta steget utenfor komfortsonen en gang i blant. Jeg lo og gråt om hverandre.
Anbefaler alle å laste ned denne filmen.
Takk til Phil Keoghan & resten av crewet.
Feb 13, 2011
Se Remen Evensen sitt rekordhopp her.
Feb 9, 2011
Amazing Race’s Phil Keoghan Makes Stop In Denver « CBS Denver
Amazing Race’s Phil Keoghan Makes Stop In Denver « CBS Denver
Feb 7, 2011
Feb 6, 2011
Billettsalget til "The Ride"......

.....docufilmen til Phil Keoghan, går så det suser. Flere av visningene som er satt opp er i ferd med å bli utsolgt. For oss som ikke har mulighet til å se filmen live, må vi vente til den kommer på iTunes.
http://www.noopportunitywasted.com/ for mer info.
I dagens lagkonkurranse var det fint lite en kunne gjøre med suverene Østerrike. Laget vant med over 50p på Norge, som ble #2. Tyskland tok 3.plassen.
På onsdag starter moroa her hjemme. Da skal monsterbakken i Vikersund innvies. Det er stor spenning til hvem som får ta jomfruhoppet. Anders Jacobsen er en av de aktuelle. Til helga er det prøve-VM, og det blir spennende å se hvor langt en kan hoppe i det som skal være verdens største skiflygningsbakke.