May 31, 2011
May 29, 2011
Farmen dag i Tigerstaden
Årets "Farmen" gikk som kjent i Telemark. I går inntok Grenland hovedstaden, da man kunne møte folk fra "Farmen" på Youngtorget. Arrangementet stod Visit Telemark for, og Gaute Grøtta Grav var konfransier. Man kunne smake på mat og drikke fra Telemark, se på dyr og delta på forskjellige aktiviteter, bl.a melkespannholding, stylter og hesteskokasting.
May 28, 2011
Champions League 2011
United åpnet best, men etterhvert tok Barcelona mer og mer over. Pedro sendte spanjolen i ledelse. Rooney utlignet kort tid etter og til pause var det uavgjort.
Etter hvilen var det kun et lag det dreide seg om, Barcelona. De hadde ballen mer eller mindre hele tida. Messi sendte laget opp i 2-1 ledelse, og da Villa la på til 3-1 gikk lufta ut av United. Barcelona vant velfortjent 3-1. Under medaljeseremonien var det rørende å se at kreftoperert Abidal fikk være den første til å heve pokalen.
May 24, 2011
3. runde i cupen.
World MS Day
Det er en av de verste sykdommene som finnes, og rammer stadig flere. Foreløpig finnes det ingen kur, det eneste de rammede kan gjøre er å lindre den.
Norge er faktisk et av de landene med flest rammede sett i fht innbyggertal. På verdensbasis er det snakk om ca 2.1 millioner.
La oss sammen sette fokus på og put MS back in the past!
Mer info om MS kan du finner her:
New cycling teams.
New professional cycling team, called NOW and Novartis for MS, to compete nationally and ride tandem with MS patients in National MS Society’s bike rides
Program kicks-off on the eve of World MS Day, inspiring communities to better understand MS and how it affects the over 400,000 Americans living with MS
Builds on Keoghan’s longstanding commitment to MS, including his challenging coast-to-coast cycle for MS, as documented in his 2011 film, “The Ride”
More here:
Way to go, Phil.
May 23, 2011
Q&A: Phil Keoghan
We quized 'Amazing Race' host and Kiwi Phil Keoghan on New Zealand, carry on essentials, and his most challenging adventure to date...
Recently named an ambassador for Christchurch and New Zealand’s Canterbury region, Phil Keoghan, host of the TV reality-challenge series The Amazing Race spilled about his own travel adventures.
How many countries have you visited?
I lost track when I hit 100 a few years back. I think there is some kind of club you can join if you hit the century mark.
Which ones have left the most indelible mark and why?
I really think Italy has it all when it comes to culture, people, lifestyle, architecture, food wine, style, landscape, the Dolomites …and of course cycling. Then of course there is nothing like home and for me New Zealand is the most unique place on earth.
The place you’d never return to?
I love seeing new countries, so it's not that I don't want to go back to a country, I just want to go forward and discover new places.
You present contestants with all manner of challenges. What has been your own greatest challenge?
The greatest physical and mental challenge for me was riding my bike across America last year - 160 kilometres a day for 40 days raising over $500,000 for the National MS Society. I teamed up with my Dad, best friend cameraman Scott, a California Highway Patrolman and a close friend who is in the cycling club.
Top Three on your own “things to do before I die” shortlist?
Five-star dinner on top of an erupting volcano.
Diving the world’s longest underwater caves.
Putting a golf ball across Scotland.
What would you never do again?
Drink warm Cobra blood!
How often do you get back to New Zealand?
On average six times a year but it can be up to 12. One month I went back and forth three times.
What sets NZ apart?
The people. There’s no doubt that we have some of the most incredible scenery and so on but ultimately what separates one place from another are the people.
What do you miss most when you’re away?
The Kiwi sense of humour. My friends and family. The clouds, light, weather, green landscapes and the smell of bush.
The Canterbury Region can’t be beaten for….
Braided rivers, wide open plains, rolling foothills, spectactular alps, distinctive wines.
But it could do with …
A world class velodrome. We have some of the best young cycling talent in the world.
Best kept secrets in Christchurch?
Bottle Lake Forest Park, covering over 800 hectares of coastal sand dunes, planted with Pinus radiata – four times the size of popular central Hagley Park, and 10 minutes’ drive from the city. It’s a bikers’ and walkers’ paradise.
Hector’s dolphins - you can view them more easily around Christchurch/Banks Peninsula than anywhere else in the world.
Christchurch’s position in the heart of the South Island makes it a huge multi-sport destination with some of the gnarliest and challenging tracks for cycling, running, skiing and kayaking in the world, sometimes all in the one day across plains, rivers and mountains.
What my father [agricultural scientist Dr John Keoghan] taught me about the region was …
How the region was formed. How the rivers have carried alluvial material from the alps down onto the planes connecting up with Banks Peninsula which was formed from two volcanoes.
If you could, what would you eradicate from the world?
Hunger, our dependence on oil, war, pollutants.
When flying, your essential carry-ons?
Moleskin diary, a good book, laptop computer, skipping rope, Now Energy Bars, earplugs, eyemask, movies, sunscreen, world phone, camera, i-pod.
Phil's documentary The Ride is available for download via Amazon and iTunes.
Thanks to Christchurch and Centerbury Tourism.
May 22, 2011
8 runde og streik
Den 9 runden skulle etter planen gå av stabelen i dag og i morgen. Men natt til fredag brøt meklingen mellom NISO og NHO Idrett sammen. Dermed er tippeligaspillere i streik for andre gang. Første streiken var i 2002, den varte i 40 timer. Denne gangen kan den bli atskillig lengre.
May 17, 2011
Gratulerer med dagen
Men det er viktig å ikke glemme det bøndene fikk til i 1814 og ikke ta frihet og demokrati som en selvfølge.
La kjærlighetsbudet og 1. Joh 4.10 være en rettesnor hørte jeg i en tale i dag.
Igjen; Gratulerer med dagen alle nordmenn enten dere er her hjemme eller i det store utland.
Fotballens nasjonaldag
Gårdagens runde bød på mange overraskelser. Aller mest overraskende var det at RBK tapte 1-0 hjemme for Haugesund. Det samme skjedde med Stabæk hjemme på Telenor Arena. Nyopprykkede Sogndal tok nemlig sin aller første seier.
I Stavanger spilte Viking og Odd. Telemarkslaget tok ledelsen, men hardt press av Viking gjorde at "Siddisene" fikk med seg ett poeng. Kampen endte A1
Øvrige resultater:
LSK - Molde: 0-3
Tromsø - SP08: A2
AaFK - Godset: 2-1
Brann - Start: 2-1
FFK - Enga: 3-1
May 15, 2011
May 13, 2011
The Amazing Race
Friday 13
May 12, 2011
Lærepenge og cupbombe
Fullt så greit ble det ikke for Vålerenga som møtte Kjelsås. Laget uten scoring i 2. divisjon så langt ble et nummer for store for fjorårets sølvvinnere og vant overraskende 2-1. Vålerenga er med dette ute av cupen og den først cupbomba er et faktum.
May 8, 2011
May 6, 2011
May 5, 2011
Champions League
May 1, 2011
Dokumentaren "The Ride"
...ble en suksess første gang den ble lansert rundt om i USA. Nå er Phil Keoghan, ute på turnè nr 2 og viser filmen i 10 nye byer rundt om i USA. Den kan også lastes ned fra Amazon og iTunes. All inntekt fra billettsalget går direkte til MS research.