I går var det som kjent aksjon for å redde New Chum Beach på New Zealand. Mange mennesker samlet seg for å delta. Får håpe det gir resultater.
Her er en artikkel fra NZ Herald.
New Chum protesters sit down to be counted
By: Wayne Thompson
5:30 AM Tuesday Jan 4, 2011
Thousands of Coromandel residents and holidaymakers flocked to Matarangi yesterday to be part of a "living beach art" appeal to Prime Minister John Key to save a pristine, world renowned beach from development.
The event drew up to 2000 people to form letters 20m high and 12m wide spelling out "John Key Save Me! New Chum".
Helicopters flew above the display to give aerial views for photographers.
The publicity stunt - in aid of New Chum Beach, near Whangapoua - was staged by New Zealand-born Phil Keoghan, host of American television show The Amazing Race.
Keoghan and his wife, Louise, have a bach in the area and he said it was his 21st summer holidaying on the Coromandel Peninsula.
Keoghan, who was helped by his father John and neighbour Lindsay Arthur, said the event was "an opportunity to express an opinion that I believe that this is one of the best beaches in the world and obviously, from today's mind-blowing turnout, I'm not the only one who feels that".
"I believe New Chum is more valuable to us as a country as a world-renowned iconic beach that is undeveloped, rather than one with a number of properties on it."
Les resten av artikkelen her: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/environment/news/article.cfm?c_id=39&objectid=10697762
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