Første runde av Tippeligaen 2014 er unnagjort og den bød på noen overraskelser.
Nyopprykkede Stabæk, som av mange er tippet rett ned i Adeccoligaen igjen, fikk en kjempestart og vant 3-0 over Sogndal.
Brann; som har ambisjoner om medalje, gikk på en real smell i Sarpsborg. Bergens stolthet tapte også 3-0.
Resulater 1. runde:
MKF - ViF: 2-0
RBK - ViK: A2
STB - SiL: 3-0
SP08 - SKB: 3-0
B/G - AaFK: A1
SiF - IKS: 4-2
SUlf - Odds Bk: A1
Mar 31, 2014
Mar 28, 2014
Tippeligaen 2014
Etter en lang vinterdvale, er Tippeligaen endelig i gang.
Molde tok i mot Vålerenga hjemme på Aker Stadion i sesongens første kamp, en kamp laget fra rosenes by vant 2-0.
De resterende kampene spilles i morgen og søndag.
SP08 - Brann er rundens hovedkamp og kan ses på TV 2 fra 7pm.
Molde tok i mot Vålerenga hjemme på Aker Stadion i sesongens første kamp, en kamp laget fra rosenes by vant 2-0.
De resterende kampene spilles i morgen og søndag.
SP08 - Brann er rundens hovedkamp og kan ses på TV 2 fra 7pm.
Mar 27, 2014
Liten 'Amazing Race' funny facts read
Dette er et "must-read" for alle 'Amazing Race' fans.
3. If it’s the fall season, you’re never actually sure when the episode is going to start because of the NFL game airing earlier in the day.
4. Phil Keoghan will introduce the contestants in his AMAZING New Zealand accent.
5. Half the teams will be from L.A./some part of Southern California.
6. There is always a team of doctors. They will do really, really well.
7. There will be an old, married couple as a team. They will shock everyone and do amazingly well.
8. There will be one team who clearly does not have their shit together and YOU KNOW they will be eliminated in the first episode.
Les resten her:
86 Things That Happen On Every Season Of "The Amazing Race"
Eleven teams, several continents, and more taxis than you will take in your lifetime.
Posted on
1. You’re going to see the credits and hear the theme music 12 times, and each time is going to be AWESOME.
2. If the producers changed the credits from the previous season, you’re going to be thrown for a serious loop.3. If it’s the fall season, you’re never actually sure when the episode is going to start because of the NFL game airing earlier in the day.
4. Phil Keoghan will introduce the contestants in his AMAZING New Zealand accent.
5. Half the teams will be from L.A./some part of Southern California.
6. There is always a team of doctors. They will do really, really well.
7. There will be an old, married couple as a team. They will shock everyone and do amazingly well.
8. There will be one team who clearly does not have their shit together and YOU KNOW they will be eliminated in the first episode.
9. One team will have some amazing job that
will give them a leg up on the competition - they are on the Harlem
Globetrotters, ice hockey players, mountain bikers - because life just
isn’t fair.
10. One team will have a job you could only dream of, like “YouTubers” or QVC hostesses.Les resten her:
Mar 23, 2014
Takk til både utøvere og kommentatorer
I dag var det sesongavslutning for skisesongen, og det betydde at flere har sagt takk for seg.
I skiskyting gikk både Tora Berger og Ann Kristin Aafedt Flatland sine siste renn. Begge har gitt oss mange gleder med sine prestasjoner både i sporet og på standplass
I hopp var det duket for avskjed med en av de beste kommentatorene i NRK, nemlig Arne Scheie. I 42 år har han kommenterte fotball og hopp.
Det var vemodig å høre Scheie kommentere sitt siste renn, og hverken hopp eller fotball kommer til å bli det samme igjen.
I skiskyting gikk både Tora Berger og Ann Kristin Aafedt Flatland sine siste renn. Begge har gitt oss mange gleder med sine prestasjoner både i sporet og på standplass
I hopp var det duket for avskjed med en av de beste kommentatorene i NRK, nemlig Arne Scheie. I 42 år har han kommenterte fotball og hopp.
Det var vemodig å høre Scheie kommentere sitt siste renn, og hverken hopp eller fotball kommer til å bli det samme igjen.
Mar 21, 2014
Mar 19, 2014
Tippeligaen 2014....
....starter neste fredag.
Da tar Molde FK i mot Vålerenga hjemme på Aker Stadion.
Da tar Molde FK i mot Vålerenga hjemme på Aker Stadion.
Word of the day
Lite visdomsord min avdøde bestefar sa til meg, som jeg syns er fint å leve etter.
"Livet handler ikke om materielle goder, men hva du gjør ut av tida du har fått tildelt"
"Livet handler ikke om materielle goder, men hva du gjør ut av tida du har fått tildelt"
Selv om det ikke er sånn supervarmt i lufta, er vi godt inne i den først vårmåneden. Og en mild vinter har gjort sitt til at isen har smeltet rekordtidlig.
Phil Keoghan
'Amazing Race' host Phil Keoghan har blitt medlem av New Zealand Order of Merit for sin innsats som TV-vert og turistpromotasjon til New Zealand.
Way to go, Phil - dette har du virkelig fortjent.
Way to go, Phil - dette har du virkelig fortjent.
Mar 17, 2014
St Patrick's Day
I dag feirer Irland sin nasjonaldag, også kjent som St. Patrick's Day.
Dagen er til minne om skytshelgenen St. Patrick, som også er kjent som den som kristnet Irland.
I mange land er det vanlig å kle seg i grønt denne dagen og irer over hele verden samles for å spise irsk mat og drikke irsk øl. Den grønne fargen skal være et symbol på Irland.
Dagen er til minne om skytshelgenen St. Patrick, som også er kjent som den som kristnet Irland.
I mange land er det vanlig å kle seg i grønt denne dagen og irer over hele verden samles for å spise irsk mat og drikke irsk øl. Den grønne fargen skal være et symbol på Irland.
Mar 16, 2014
Premier League
I dag var det duket for noen skikkelige storoppgjør i Premier League.
Manchester United tok i mot Liverpool hjemme på Old Trafford. United har slitt mye denne sesongen og kan se langt etter noe seriegull. Liverpool, derimot, kan vinne ligaen for første gang siden 1990.
Kampen ble et fyrverkeri og Liverpool tok kommandoen fra start. To av Liverpool's mål kom på straffe. Dessverre ble litt av kampgleden ødelagt av Sturridge's filming på slutten av 2. omgang. Da var det like greit at straffen ikke gikk inn. Men noen minutter etterpå var Suarez på hugget og satte inn 3-0.
Dermed var kampen punktert, og Liverpool tar med seg tre nye poeng til Anfield.
Manchester United tok i mot Liverpool hjemme på Old Trafford. United har slitt mye denne sesongen og kan se langt etter noe seriegull. Liverpool, derimot, kan vinne ligaen for første gang siden 1990.
Kampen ble et fyrverkeri og Liverpool tok kommandoen fra start. To av Liverpool's mål kom på straffe. Dessverre ble litt av kampgleden ødelagt av Sturridge's filming på slutten av 2. omgang. Da var det like greit at straffen ikke gikk inn. Men noen minutter etterpå var Suarez på hugget og satte inn 3-0.
Dermed var kampen punktert, og Liverpool tar med seg tre nye poeng til Anfield.
Travel Tips I
Her er flere gode reisetips fra 'Amazing Race' host Phil Keoghan. Er det noen som har peiling på reiseliv, så er det han.
Tipsene kan du lese her: http://blog.travelchannel.com/the-traveling-type/2014/03/14/amazing-race-host-offers-his-top-10-travel-tips/
He’s traveled the world as the TV show host of The Amazing Race.
Now Phil Keoghan shares a few helpful tips he’s picked up along the way
that travelers should know when planning their own next great travel
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
- See more at:
He’s traveled the world as the TV show host of The Amazing Race.
Now Phil Keoghan shares a few helpful tips he’s picked up along the way
that travelers should know when planning their own next great travel
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
- See more at:
Tipsene kan du lese her: http://blog.travelchannel.com/the-traveling-type/2014/03/14/amazing-race-host-offers-his-top-10-travel-tips/
He’s traveled the world as the TV show host of The Amazing Race.
Now Phil Keoghan shares a few helpful tips he’s picked up along the way
that travelers should know when planning their own next great travel
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
- See more at: http://blog.travelchannel.com/the-traveling-type/2014/03/14/amazing-race-host-offers-his-top-10-travel-tips/#sthash.Z823clgW.dpuf
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
- See more at: http://blog.travelchannel.com/the-traveling-type/2014/03/14/amazing-race-host-offers-his-top-10-travel-tips/#sthash.Z823clgW.dpuf
He’s traveled the world as the TV show host of The Amazing Race.
Now Phil Keoghan shares a few helpful tips he’s picked up along the way
that travelers should know when planning their own next great travel
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
- See more at: http://blog.travelchannel.com/the-traveling-type/2014/03/14/amazing-race-host-offers-his-top-10-travel-tips/#sthash.pE0CnNGv.dpuf
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
- See more at: http://blog.travelchannel.com/the-traveling-type/2014/03/14/amazing-race-host-offers-his-top-10-travel-tips/#sthash.pE0CnNGv.dpuf
“Amazing Race” Host Offers His Top 10 Travel Tips
POSTED March 14, 2014 BY travel channel IN Travel Tips, TV WITH 2 Comments
Photo Courtesy of Phil Keoghan
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
“Amazing Race” Host Offers His Top 10 Travel Tips
POSTED March 14, 2014 BY travel channel IN Travel Tips, TV WITH 2 Comments
Photo Courtesy of Phil Keoghan
Tip 1: Always bring important documents and information. This should go without saying, but in the craze of packing it’s easy to forget the essentials: your passport, emergency funds, a second form of ID, credit card and a list of emergency medical numbers. Keep this info in a safe place, like a money belt, while you’re traveling.
Tip 2: Pack items for the moments you’ll want to kill time. Pick your choice of one or all of the following: a good book, a good movie, puzzles and/or your favorite tunes.
Tip 3: Bring a journal. Take a moleskine diary — like Ernest Hemingway did — to document highlights from your trip, as well as to add contacts and keep items like ticket stubs. This is basically a tactile account of your journey that no Facebook page can match.
Tip 4: Don’t waste any travel opportunity that presents itself. Sure, it’s wise to bring a list of recommended restaurant, activities, shows, adventures, highlights and attractions, but also be spontaneous and open to new ideas.
Tip 5: Bring your own nutrition pack. Always have your own trusted ways to keep your calorie count up. So pack your favorite energy bar(s) and be sure to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated when heading out for a day of sightseeing or some other strenuous activity.
Tip 6: Bring a First-Aid kit. It is imperative to have your own basic medications and treatments always available. Make sure to include liquids to replenish your electrolytes.
Tip 7: Don’t forget necessary sleep aids. Bring a comfortable neck pillow, earplugs and an eye mask so you can shut out the world when you need to.
Tip 8: We know you’re not going to forget your smartphone to take snapshots and video to help capture special moments while traveling. But don’t forget to bring your universal (and portable) charger, either. Or you can go the opposite route and leave it at home if you want to unplug and stay off the grid. It’s up to you.
Tip 9: Bring UV protection. Always plan ahead and be prepared with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and SPF clothing.
Tip 10: Bring a sense of humor. You’ll be surprised how much a sense of humor will get you through anything and ensure you have a great time!
– Phil Keoghan, World Traveler and Host of “The Amazing Race.”
Mar 8, 2014
Travel tips
Å reise kan være en utfordring på mange måter. Alt fra mat til treningsmuligheter til å få nok søvn kan bidra at turgleden blir ødelagt.
Her er noen gode reisetips fra 'Amazing Race' host Phil Keoghan som garantert kommer til å gjøre turen lettere og mer behagelig.
Her er noen gode reisetips fra 'Amazing Race' host Phil Keoghan som garantert kommer til å gjøre turen lettere og mer behagelig.
Mar 7, 2014
'The Lord of the Rings'
....eller 'Ringenes Herre' som den heter på norsk, er en trilogi med mye visdom.
Vil trekke fram et visdomsord jeg hørte på et møte i kveld:
"All we have to decide is what to do with time that is give to us", Gandalf til Frodo.
Vil trekke fram et visdomsord jeg hørte på et møte i kveld:
"All we have to decide is what to do with time that is give to us", Gandalf til Frodo.
Mar 5, 2014
MS awareness week
Every hour someone is diagnosed with Multiple
Sclerosis (MS). MS destroys connections and people's ability to move.
Defy this disease with sharing why you connect. Every single connection
counts. #MSConnection
Why I connect:
Mar 3, 2014
Selv om det fortsatt snø og slaps ute, er hovedveiene relativt snøfrie og man kan vurdere å ta fram sykkelen. Til tross for at det regnet i dag, tok jeg meg en liten sykkeltur.
Academy Awards
I natt går den 86 Academy Awards aka Oscar av stabelen i Los Angeles.
Hvem vinner de gjeve statuettene i år?
Hvem vinner de gjeve statuettene i år?
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