86 Things That Happen On Every Season Of "The Amazing Race"
Eleven teams, several continents, and more taxis than you will take in your lifetime.
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1. You’re going to see the credits and hear the theme music 12 times, and each time is going to be AWESOME.
2. If the producers changed the credits from the previous season, you’re going to be thrown for a serious loop.3. If it’s the fall season, you’re never actually sure when the episode is going to start because of the NFL game airing earlier in the day.
4. Phil Keoghan will introduce the contestants in his AMAZING New Zealand accent.
5. Half the teams will be from L.A./some part of Southern California.
6. There is always a team of doctors. They will do really, really well.
7. There will be an old, married couple as a team. They will shock everyone and do amazingly well.
8. There will be one team who clearly does not have their shit together and YOU KNOW they will be eliminated in the first episode.
9. One team will have some amazing job that
will give them a leg up on the competition - they are on the Harlem
Globetrotters, ice hockey players, mountain bikers - because life just
isn’t fair.
10. One team will have a job you could only dream of, like “YouTubers” or QVC hostesses.Les resten her:
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