I dag begynner previews på Raúl Esparza sin nye teaterforestilling "The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui". Skulle ønske jeg hadde hatt muligheten til å se den live, men det lar seg dessverre ikke gjennomføre. Break a leg, Raúl - I know you'll shine.
Oct 30, 2018
Oct 24, 2018
Oct 21, 2018
Kjendiser som er åpne opp om sitt livssyn
En ting jeg syns er fint, er når kjendiser er åpne om livssynet sitt. Det er en ting som kan være vanskelig å snakke om, derfor er det fint når kjente er åpne. Det kan hjelpe andre. En av mine favorittskuespillere, Raúl Esparza, har vært åpen om sin tro.
"I still am a practicing Catholic. I attend mass and it’s an important part of my life, because it gives me a sort of grounding, I think, from where I come from… I have huge issues with the Church. So, I suppose, as you grow up each of us has to make peace with what we feel the institution represents, and what faith represents, but faith is an important aspect of my life. Because I feel faith is related to what I do… I’ve always had some kind of talent to be able to tell stories, whether it’s through a song or a play or a role or writing something or drawing something. I don’t know where that talent comes from. For me, the definition was always something greater- I called that God- which sounds incredibly conceited on my part, that it’s some sort of gift. It’s not about that, it’s about having the humility to feel like sometimes we’re given things that we don’t quite understand, and you want, whatever you have to be able to express itself without you standing in the way. And I find that’s the spiritual dimension, is removing yourself from it, in the work and your life"
- Raúl Esparza om sin tro.
"I still am a practicing Catholic. I attend mass and it’s an important part of my life, because it gives me a sort of grounding, I think, from where I come from… I have huge issues with the Church. So, I suppose, as you grow up each of us has to make peace with what we feel the institution represents, and what faith represents, but faith is an important aspect of my life. Because I feel faith is related to what I do… I’ve always had some kind of talent to be able to tell stories, whether it’s through a song or a play or a role or writing something or drawing something. I don’t know where that talent comes from. For me, the definition was always something greater- I called that God- which sounds incredibly conceited on my part, that it’s some sort of gift. It’s not about that, it’s about having the humility to feel like sometimes we’re given things that we don’t quite understand, and you want, whatever you have to be able to express itself without you standing in the way. And I find that’s the spiritual dimension, is removing yourself from it, in the work and your life"
- Raúl Esparza om sin tro.
Oct 18, 2018
Oct 14, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
Dette stykket av Willam Shakespeare, er et av mine favoritter. Og da er det gledelig nytt at en av mine favorittskuespillere, Raúl Esparza, skal spille tittelrollen neste år. Forestillingen skal gå i Chicago. Jeg har vært i Chicago før og det er en by jeg mer enn gjerne reiser tilbake til.
Les mer her: http://www.playbill.com/article/raul-esparza-will-take-on-hamlet-in-chicago
Les mer her: http://www.playbill.com/article/raul-esparza-will-take-on-hamlet-in-chicago
Oct 8, 2018
Veldig sant. Kjenner meg veldig igjen. Takk Raúl for så flotte og sanne ord.
“I think the greatest challenge for me is not losing faith in myself; finding some way to trust that my best will be good enough. And up or down, you just keep going. Don’t sit back, don’t rest on your success and don’t assume that if things aren’t going well - or you haven’t succeeded at something - that it will always be like that… But, you know, it’s really hard, because I don’t know about you, but people who try to be creative or write or act or anything, we assume for a while that everybody else knows better. Because it seems almost arrogant to put ourselves out there with these things we’ve created. You know, what right do we have? So somebody comes along and says, ‘You’re junk.’ That’s easier to believe than when someone comes along and says, ‘You’re great.’ So you assume that might not be the case… And I would say that overcoming that is probably the greatest triumph.” - Raul Esparza
“I think the greatest challenge for me is not losing faith in myself; finding some way to trust that my best will be good enough. And up or down, you just keep going. Don’t sit back, don’t rest on your success and don’t assume that if things aren’t going well - or you haven’t succeeded at something - that it will always be like that… But, you know, it’s really hard, because I don’t know about you, but people who try to be creative or write or act or anything, we assume for a while that everybody else knows better. Because it seems almost arrogant to put ourselves out there with these things we’ve created. You know, what right do we have? So somebody comes along and says, ‘You’re junk.’ That’s easier to believe than when someone comes along and says, ‘You’re great.’ So you assume that might not be the case… And I would say that overcoming that is probably the greatest triumph.” - Raul Esparza
Speak out, save children!
Dette er noe av det viktigste som har blitt skrevet.
From research on my role in Law & Order: SVU as ADA Rafael Barba, I’ve encountered heart breaking stories that often impact children. Whether children are witnessing domestic violence or other crises, I’ve learned that anyone who steps in to assist a child in crisis can change that child’s life for the better.
Les mer her: https://nomore.org/raul-esparza-decimos-no-mas/
From research on my role in Law & Order: SVU as ADA Rafael Barba, I’ve encountered heart breaking stories that often impact children. Whether children are witnessing domestic violence or other crises, I’ve learned that anyone who steps in to assist a child in crisis can change that child’s life for the better.
Les mer her: https://nomore.org/raul-esparza-decimos-no-mas/
Premier League
Sesongen er godt i gang og i går var det duket for et skikkelig toppkamp på Anfield. Liverpool tok i mot Manchester City. Begge lag er ubeseiret i denne sesongen og det var ventet et skikkelig fyrverkeri av en kamp. Men fyrverkeriet uteble, og bortsett fra at Man. City ville ha straffespark i 1. omgang var det ingenting å rope hurra for. Det tok tid før det ble litt spenning i 2. omgang også, men på slutten av kampen fikk Man. City straffespark og en gyllen mulighet til å ta alle poengene. Men straffesparket gikk utafor og det endte målløst. Nå er det landslagspause, noe som skal bli godt etter noen uker med hektisk kampprogram.
Oct 5, 2018
Det er blitt oktober og høsten har gjort sitt inntog. De siste dagene har også kong Vinter gjort sitt inntog mange steder. Selv er jeg ikke så glad i høst og vinter. Syns det guffent med kulde og at det blir tidlig mørkt. Når jeg ser Mesta-folk sette opp brøytestikker langs veien, vet jeg det er lenge til neste sommer. Det kommer en liten frost i meg, selv om høsten også kan by på gode temperaturer. For å ikke miste energinivået og piffen helt, prøver jeg å sysle med koselige ting innendørs. Noe av det beste jeg vet på årstiden vi er på vei inn i, er å krype opp i sofaen med en bok, rolig bakgrunnsmusikk og noe varmt i koppen. Da legger jeg bort telefonen og kobler helt av.
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