Oct 21, 2018

Kjendiser som er åpne opp om sitt livssyn

En ting jeg syns er fint, er når kjendiser er åpne om livssynet sitt. Det er en ting som kan være vanskelig å snakke om, derfor er det fint når kjente er åpne. Det kan hjelpe andre. En av mine favorittskuespillere, Raúl Esparza, har vært åpen om sin tro.

"I still am a practicing Catholic. I attend mass and it’s an important part of my life, because it gives me a sort of grounding, I think, from where I come from… I have huge issues with the Church. So, I suppose, as you grow up each of us has to make peace with what we feel the institution represents, and what faith represents, but faith is an important aspect of my life. Because I feel faith is related to what I do… I’ve always had some kind of talent to be able to tell stories, whether it’s through a song or a play or a role or writing something or drawing something. I don’t know where that talent comes from. For me, the definition was always something greater- I called that God- which sounds incredibly conceited on my part, that it’s some sort of gift. It’s not about that, it’s about having the humility to feel like sometimes we’re given things that we don’t quite understand, and you want, whatever you have to be able to express itself without you standing in the way. And I find that’s the spiritual dimension, is removing yourself from it, in the work and your life"   

- Raúl Esparza om sin tro. 

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